Anmälan/Booking form: Demystifying SI-PASS workshop 19 October 2021
Comments about workshop from earlier participants:
Thank you so much - this was a really enjoyable workshop that held my full attention for 3 hours (which is almost entirely unheard of!) I'm looking forward to the supervisor training.
The workshop made me realize I was already convinced our courses will benefit from implementing SI-PASS :-)
Thank you so much, this has been fantastic! Will be looking for either myself or my colleagues to join you on the supervisor training in the autumn when it becomes available
Workshop Summary
Supplemental Instructions (SI) and Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) are models of peer learning used widely across many countries internationally. This highly interactive session is designed for those who are interested to explore the question ‘What is SI-PASS all about? The half-day workshop will journey from the basics, through the underlying principles to key elements required for a successful SI-PASS programme.
The training will be conducted with a working language of English.
Last day for registration: 28 September 2021.
There are a limited number of spaces available for the training (16 participants) and it could be booked up quickly. We therefore suggest you complete the booking form/register online as soon as possible. If there should be less than 8 persons registered, the training will be cancelled.
The training will take place over one half day and the fee is 1000 SEK.
The training will be held online via Zoom. More information will be published soon.
Will be sent out by e-mail about a week in advance.
Fyll i en anmälan till utbildningen per person och skicka in. Betalning sker sedan enligt nedan.
- Ni får en faktura från Lunds universitet med ett fakturanummer
- Betalning kan sedan ske antingen via faktura eller med kreditkort (refererande till fakturanumret). Vid kortbetalning använd länk i fakturan(välj metodhandledarutbildningen i väljlistan)
- Observera att ni måste fylla i organisationsnummer i anmälningsformuläret
Booking Form for Supervisor Training is a Two-Stage Process
Please complete one booking form for each person attending
- You will receive an invoice from Lund University with an invoice number
- Payment can then be made either by invoice or by credit card (using the invoice number provided by Lund). Payment by card follow the link in the invoice (scroll to SI-Pass supervisor training)
- If you need to register your own Purchase Order, below you will find Lund University bank information
Account Number: 12810119309
Bank address: Danske Bank, Norrmalmstorg 1, Box 7523, 103 92 Stockholm
IBAN: SE86 1200 0000 0128 1011 9309
Lund University - Organisational number: 202100-3211
VAT number: SE202100321101